www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
I know that Lu's not going to propose before the end of the semester, but I've been a little on edge lately. We've finished both of our pre-engagement books, started pre-marital counseling, and now it's just a waiting game.

In fact, Lu's already faked me out twice! He claims it's totally innocent, but don't these situations seem a bit suspicious?

1) It was Easter Sunday. We stopped by Lu's place after church because he had to change out of his suit before we went to study. While we were there, my mother calls me and mentions that she just got off the phone with Lu's mom. Our mothers are friendly, but this was the second time that they'd spoken that week -- a little strange, but I guess it was Easter.

As we get ready to leave Lu's apartment, he picks up his camera. Not just his point-and-shoot, but his Nikon D3000 Digital SLR camera. When Lu got this camera, he took about 500 pictures of me the first week, and another few thousand over Christmas and on our Florida/Bahamas vacation. However, Lu never really carries his camera around on just regular occasions. Hmmmmm.

We then stopped by my place to get my books. Every other Sunday, I also change from my church outfit to jeans. Since it was Easter Sunday, I had on an especially nice dress, my hair was styled, my nails were painted, and I was even wearing some make-up. Lu told me that I should keep my outfit on -- including my heels -- because I looked so beautiful. Okay, now this was definitely not shaping up to be a normal Sunday!

Lu then suggested that we celebrate the beautiful day by getting ice cream at Washtenaw Dairy. I'm a huge dessert person, so I never turn down ice cream... especially on a gorgeous spring day. So we settled down with our ice cream (strawberry for Lu and peachy peach for me), and Lu began to talk about how nice it was to be there with me on such a beautiful day and how blessed he is to have me in his life.

Then he stood up, pulled out his camera, and attempted to snap a picture of me.  At this point, my heart started beating a little faster because I think this is it.

However, the camera battery was dead. Lu's obviously disappointed, but he sat back down and kept talking about us and our future. My heartbeat was still elevated, as I attempted to calmly finish my ice cream.

Then as we took the last bites of our cones, he reached for my hand and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

And we studied happily ever after for the rest of the evening....

2) This past Sunday, Lu and I spent six hours at school working.  I was doing some statistical programming for my research job, and my eyes were literally crossing by the time we were ready to leave. I was completely exhausted and just wanted to go home and pass out. As we're driving back from campus, Lu suggested that we get some Chinese food.

I told Lu that I wasn't hungry, but that I would stop for him. We turned around, he got his take-out, and then he hopped back in the car. After we got back to my house, I could barely keep my eyes open. I apologized for being rude and told Lu that I was heading to bed. At this point, I wasn't even thinking about a proposal.

The next morning, Lu told me that he'd saved a fortune cookie for me. All of a sudden, I stopped and realized how familiar the whole situation seemed. He took one look at my face, then laughed and said, "Don't worry. There's not a ring in it. I just know you like fortune cookies."

So two fake-outs in three weeks, and no ring. I know that I originally said that I expected the proposal in May or June, and I still do. It's just exciting to wonder when and how it will actually happen!

(By the way, the fortune said, "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." Really?!)

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