www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
I had a perfect proposal plan in mind for years.

I'd come back home after a long day to find my guy waiting for me with a hot bath drawn and candles surrounding the tub. He'd tell me that he knows I'm tired, so he figured we could relax, watch a movie, and order take-out. I'd be pulling on my favorite sweats just as the Chinese food arrives. We'd watch some romantic comedy, eat our dinner, and then it would be fortune cookie time.

I have a thing for fortune cookies. I keep them posted on my fridge and even have one in my wallet. (In case you're curious, it says, "Your fortune is as sweet as a cookie.")

Back to my dream: When I opened my cookie, I would find a message that said something like, "Your happily ever after begins now," or "The man beside you would love to make you his forever," or even the straightforward, "Will you marry me?"

I'd look over, and he'd be down on one knee. He'd laugh off his own cheesiness, then make a heartfelt speech about why I'm the perfect woman for him. He'd open the ring box, and then the tears, kisses, and shrieks of excitement would start. I would be engaged.

Of course, my idea was so great that Hollywood stole it. Darn you, Anne Hathaway in Bride Wars!

Now that the time is approaching, Lu has been fishing for ideas about what my ideal proposal would be... and I've pretty much drawn a blank. Part of me just wants to him to hurry up and do it. Another part of me has a few, admittedly shallow, "guidelines" for when to propose:
  •  My nails should be painted, or at least not bitten down to the quick or severely chipped. Everyone wants to see the ring. They shouldn't be distracted by my inability to maintain a manicure.
  •  I'd like my hair straight, or at least not as crazy as it looks when I'm working, studying, or lounging around the house.
  • If we're going to take any pictures, then make sure that I'm wearing lipstick, or that I at least have access to some sort of tinted gloss.
Totally vain and ridiculous, I know. So this weekend I told Lu that I didn't care how I looked when he did it because it'd still be memorable. Besides, Lu is a total romantic, so I know he's going to do something great.

Of course, he wasn't satisfied with that answer, so I've put more thought into it. There are the birthday proposals, the ridiculously elaborate but unforgettable proposals (these are a few pictures and a description -- there's also a 10 minute slideshow), the public proposals, the uber-cliche New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day proposals, and the "I've been holding on to this ring for awhile and can't figure out what to do, so here you go" proposals.

Beautiful, sweet, awkwardly adorable -- but none of them are me. So I'm back to something similar to my original idea: take a regular day, add in a special twist at a special place, and I'll be the happiest girl in the world.

What's your dream proposal? If you're already married, how did real life compare to the dream?

Everyone thought this was a proposal picture. Despite the camera angle (and straight hair and lipstick), we're just talking. If he can make me smile like this during a normal conversation, then imagine what the proposal will be like!
2 Responses
  1. N. Says:

    My husband proposed at a NYE party at the stroke of midnight. I thought he was sooo creative, until I found out that two of my friends got engaged the same night and probably at the same time!!! But I think that just makes it a better story. LOL

    P.S. Bride Wars is a great movie, and I'm loving the blog. Good luck!! :)

  2. Oneida Says:

    I love the blog! Thanks for including us in your lives. It is an honor. I can't wait to dance at the wedding.