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Wedding Porn (definition courtesy of Meg/Mrs. Dahlia): Magazines, books, and websites devoted to planning weddings. Typically have elaborate photo galleries. Promotes sense of entitlement and creates need for previously unknown commodities, such as chair diapers. Often promoted by the Wedding Industrial Complex -- businesses, such as florists, dress designers, and banquet halls involved in various aspects of weddings that will often charge more because it is for a wedding.

Wednesdays are often a lazy blogging day for me. Starting next week, I've decided to start sharing all of the wedding porn that I've received over the last week. To expand the definition above, I'll also share postcards and mailers that I receive from various companies.

The purpose of this is three-fold:

1) To show you the ridiculous amounts of material that I receive in any given week. There will be some regulars on the list (mostly David's Bridal and The Knot), but I also receive a few to several items each week from random companies.

2) To keep an online record of everything. I don't like to hang on to unnecessary papers or emails, so I trash tons of stuff and make a mental note of the seemingly "good" deals. Unfortunately, those mental notes aren't as reliable as I thought they'd be, so this is a better way to keep track of everything.

3) Sheer entertainment value.

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