www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
Before I get into introductions, there are two things you should know:

1) This a wedding blog.

2) I'm not engaged... yet.

Okay, so you're probably thinking that I'm one of those crazy women that micro-manages their significant other, would do "anything for a ring," or some combination of the two. However, it's turns out that the pre-engagement stage is something that most modern couples experience.

While it's not the norm to start a wedding blog before the engagement, the marriage ball usually begins to roll before the guy gets down on one knee and pops the question. According to an article on The Knot about Wedding Proposal Myths , 67% of women knew that a proposal was coming (with 3% knowing when, where, and how). In fact, a whopping 81% of women had something to do with choosing the ring!

I'm part of that 67% majority. I know that a proposal is on the horizon. (My guess would be some point in May -- late-May, maybe early-June?) My boyfriend and I have been consulting family, friends, pastors, books, and each other to make sure that we're prepared for a marriage before we get wrapped up in planning for a wedding.

This blog will be a record of what happens between, "Do you think we should?" and "I Do." Enjoy!
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    First, I want to say that I am really happy for the two of you. I have not met Jeremy face-to-face (I was present during a skype between you two but I am not sure that counts) but I know that Ashley has good taste and so he must be a great guy. Second, I want to say that I think this is a great idea. It makes so much sense to think about the marriage before the proposal. I am sure I will not have much to offer in the way of advice (except being the friend with the advice of what *not* to do). I wish you the best on this journey! :o)

  2. Over Matters Says:

    Hey Ashley. Hope this has been a wonderful day for you. I'll be sending little bits of information that you might find helpful. A book that I like "Finding The Love of your Life", states that being in love involves significantly more than passion and romance. It is the deep, woven-together quality of two people who have developed a many-sided relationship. It goes beyond looks (although looks are important), and it goes beyond abilities. This is important---two people considering marriage should learn to love each other for qualities that are basically unchanging. This means couples should overlook defects and focus on attributes. They help each other solve problems and reach goals. They allow themselves to become transparent and never pretend to be someone they're not. Finally for tonight, true love means you love each other so much that you start enjoying what the other partner enjoys---for real. Jennifer Brown

  3. ~* Ash *~ Says:

    Thanks for both of your comments! This is a huge step, so we're definitely being thoughtful about the process. Some people have joked (I hope) that we're over-thinking it, but I agree that it takes more than romance and warm, fuzzy feelings to sustain a lifetime commitment.

    We've read some pre-engagment books. (I plan to post my reviews on here.) Finding the Love of Your Life sounds like a great addition to our growing collection!

  4. Portia Says:

    Awwww I love yall. I think that engagement and marriage is a wonderful progression for yalls' love! After the engagement and prior to the mariage you guys have to move in with each other to get those cute knicks out- Do I see a new joint lease in September? ;) YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Let's bring on the beauty that is bonded black love!