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Wedding Porn (definition courtesy of Meg/Mrs. Dahlia): Magazines, books, and websites devoted to planning weddings. Typically have elaborate photo galleries. Promotes sense of entitlement and creates need for previously unknown commodities, such as chair diapers. Often promoted by the Wedding Industrial Complex -- businesses, such as florists, dress designers, and banquet halls involved in various aspects of weddings that will often charge more because it is for a wedding.

Not all wedding porn is created equal. While the majority of matrimonial smut that I receive comes via email and is fairly obvious (lots of bright colors, catchy titles, and "teaser" article introductions), I have to applaud the creativity of some wedding porn producers for holding my attention for more than two seconds. 

These are the types of wedding porn that lure me in the most often:

4. The "Huh?" 

Most wedding porn covers the usual suspects -- dress, food, photography, cake, music, etc. However, I always pause when I get an email with something totally unexpected. 

Last week, Ann's Bridal Bargains sent me an email with the subject "Save Those Lips for Kissing..." Intrigued, I followed the link to a page on wedding seals and envelope moistener. Yes, someone actually makes envelope moistener!

3. The Free Giveaway

In the last month, you'd be surprised at how my luck has changed. In addition to getting engaged to the man of my dreams, I've been on a winning streak. I've won free make-up, free groceries, free jewelry, free vacations. In fact, I've been so lucky that I've "won" contests that I haven't even entered. Hmmm.... 

As a graduate student, it's hard to pass up anything free. However, I've learned to ignore any and all phone numbers that I don't recognize. 

2. The Quiz

I'm a quiz junkie. I know that quizzes tell me absolutely nothing about who I am or what I should do as an individual. In fact, most of them are predictable, and I don't even fall into the broad categories that the quiz makers have created. 

Buuttt, they're fun and harmless... not to mention a great way to procrastinate! Besides, you never know, I might just find out what my perfect honeymoon or wedding day hairstyle should be.

1. The Sale

Never, never, never, EVER pay full price for anything wedding-related. Something is always on sale somewhere. In this last week, I've seen sales on favors, centerpieces, pew bows, bridesmaids gifts, groomsmen gifts, ribbon, tulle -- you name it, there's a promotion for it.

As a bride on a budget, advertisements for sales have become one of the highlights of my day. Sad, I know, but wedding costs add up fast. When I see a sale on cases of mini bottles of apple cider, it's hard to say, "No." 

(Although, I am learning how to watch and wait. I wouldn't want Lu to get jealous over my budding relationship with the UPS guy.)
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