www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
Lu and a I are back in school, which means back to the grind of trying to get out of school.  This semester is a bit different for us because Lu is now a candidate, so no more classes for either of us (unless we chooses to take them) and all research. Theoretically, this should be easier. In reality, of course, it's not. 

During the first few weeks of school, we have been overwhelmed with work. Lu went into the lab for two weekends and stayed at school until midnight to finish a paper. I'm teaching Political Psychology this semester, so I'm learning how to set up a syllabus, facilitate a fruitful classroom discussion, and grade work efficiently. 

This is in addition to our dissertation work. *sigh*

Yes, we are still very busy people. With that said, at least we look the part now with our snazzy new glasses:

Lu went for Malcolm X style frames for his first pair of specs, while I traded in my plastic pair for semi-rimless classics... complete with a librarian-inspired eyeglass chain. These don't help us get our work done, per se, but we think we look pretty darn good on campus!
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www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
It's the end of the summer, and Lu and I just came back from a two-week road trip after my last day of full-time work in the Dean's Office at my Graduate School. (Sad, sad day. I loved my job and the people I worked with even more!)

Our journey took us from Michigan, to Lu's hometown in South Carolina, to Myrtle Beach for Lu's Birthday, to my hometown in Maryland, and back. So something like this:

If hours.... days... in the car weren't enough of a stressor, we also scheduled our route at the same time that Hurricane Irene decided to plan her trip up the East Coast. And just as my parents in Maryland were worried about me in South Carolina, they had that random earthquake. Then Irene took a diversion and was also headed for them!

But let's back up a bit. The car ride was actually pretty cool. We were able to read one of our wedding gifts from Mrs. R, The 10 Best Decisions a Couple Can Make by Bill and Pam Farrel. This was an awesome way to take up hours (and hours) of time with reading and discussion. Even Maggie mostly behaved -- just a little whining. The canine version of "Are we there yet?!"

I'll give you the highlights of our trip:
  • Grandma teaching me how to cook okra and beans for a dinner with the extended family.
  • Holding Lu's newest cousin -- I have to confess to feeling maternal urges. Still totally not on the baby train yet, but holding one was amazing. 
  • Spending time with Lu's parents and his mom's best friend (college roommates!) at the beach over Lu's birthday.

  • Hanging out with my family without electricity post-Irene. Okay, maybe not a highlight but certainly unforgettable.
  • Checking out the Patuxent Wine Trail in Southern Maryland.
  • Spending time at the MLK Memorial.

  • Lu's surprise birthday party, thrown by my parents -- mostly my mother who made him one of her delicious poundcakes.

It's good to be back home, but we couldn't have asked for a more amazing trip.