www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
Before I get into introductions, there are two things you should know:

1) This a wedding blog.

2) I'm not engaged... yet.

Okay, so you're probably thinking that I'm one of those crazy women that micro-manages their significant other, would do "anything for a ring," or some combination of the two. However, it's turns out that the pre-engagement stage is something that most modern couples experience.

While it's not the norm to start a wedding blog before the engagement, the marriage ball usually begins to roll before the guy gets down on one knee and pops the question. According to an article on The Knot about Wedding Proposal Myths , 67% of women knew that a proposal was coming (with 3% knowing when, where, and how). In fact, a whopping 81% of women had something to do with choosing the ring!

I'm part of that 67% majority. I know that a proposal is on the horizon. (My guess would be some point in May -- late-May, maybe early-June?) My boyfriend and I have been consulting family, friends, pastors, books, and each other to make sure that we're prepared for a marriage before we get wrapped up in planning for a wedding.

This blog will be a record of what happens between, "Do you think we should?" and "I Do." Enjoy!