www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
I had a conversation with a good friend of mine earlier this week about wedding "design." Quite frankly, Lu and I had just considered colors (burgundy and orange/yellow), a theme (Harlem Renaissance vintage), and some fun details (feathers, lanterns, fedoras). We figured that everything else would work itself out accordingly.

However, we took a little time today to really imagine our wedding. Let me know what you think!

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7 Responses
  1. TMDavis Says:

    LOVE the concept... what season are y'all having the wedding? I feel the need to have a fly flapper dress now ;-)

  2. Oneida Says:

    This is great....describes you and Lu perfectly. WOW....I am amazed at how much this reflects you and Lu. I can't wait.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I lOVE it!!! Everything just flows so well together. Can't wait to witness this union!

  4. ~* Ash *~ Says:

    Thanks! We're actually having the wedding this October, so we're bringing in some of the fall colors. :-)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Ash, I just got engaged and came across your blog while searching for locations (and reviews of Atrium). You have given me so much insight already!

    One quick question- did the services that you received from Johann Brown and Eventions Event Planning and Design come with the package you got from Atrium or is that another vendor that you decided to bring on board and had to pay separately?

    Thanks for such a great blog!

  6. ~* Ash *~ Says:

    Thanks, Kem! Congratulations, and enjoy this time in your life and relationship. :-)

    Johann came with the package that we got at the Atrium. She did our table overlays, chair sashes, napkins, draping the Atrium and the elevator, the candy bar, and pretty much everything decor-related besides the centerpieces. She was great to work with!

    Definitely let me know if you have any other questions.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Wow! That's really awesome that you got all of that from Atrium! I will be calling them right away to schedule an appointment to see the venu and talk about prices. I hope the deal they give me will be as great as yours or close to it because I'm also a grad student and on a budget(I'm a bit nervous because we're looking at the weekend of May 25 2012- i.e. memorial day weekend- so it might be a bit pricey!)

    Thanks so much again for all this info and for answering my question. I'm sure I'll be in touch with more questions later:)
