www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
On an average day, I don't miss wedding planning one bit!.... Okay, the cake tastings were pretty great, but it's much better to be on this side of the proverbial broom. However, every now and then, something brings me back to the memories of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, engaged Lu and Val.

Today, I was searching through the statistics on our blog's counter. (That little log at the bottom keeps track of a lot more than numbers!) For the most part, our blog's hits come from my Facebook friends checking out my status. We also get a fair share from familiar cities where we have friends and family, who just like to see what we're doing.

I noticed that we've recently been getting a lot more hits from Maryland, outside of my hometown. It turns out that they were linked back to the Atrium at Treetops -- where we had our reception! The website's slideshow not only included several pictures of our wedding, but also a link to one of my blog posts about the venue. In addition, our entire wedding party is prominently featured on our photographer's page. Wow --  what great surprises!

We really did have some amazing wedding vendors. The time and attention they spent with us truly helped to make our day perfect. I know that's cliché, but despite all the random craziness surrounding our wedding day, I couldn't have been happier.

 As soon as I finish typing, I'm going to send all of our vendors an email just to say, "Hi." I might not miss wedding planning, but I certainly do miss them.
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