www.tips-fb.com ~* Ash *~
Lu and I created a wedding website for our guests. Besides pictures and our story, the website also included information on our wedding party, an online RSVP, details about our engagement parties and bridal showers, our registries, and information about traveling to the wedding.  It eliminated a lot of wasted paper, time spent on phone calls, and misinformation.

With that said, we've been married almost four months. People don't need to know the time of our events or anything about wedding accommodations, and RSVPs have been done with long ago.

We're currently in the process of revamping our website to include more about our lives as newlyweds: putting in some wedding pictures, changing our video link, and adding a thank you message for everyone who supported us.

We're also going to remove the information that's no longer relevant. We have decided to keep information about:

-- Wedding party: They're still supporting us long after the wedding.
-- Registry: We got three gifts last week. :-)
-- Vendors: We had great vendor and would love to continue to promote their work.
-- Guest Book: Messages of encouragement mean more to us now than before the wedding!

Stay posted. Ashley and Jeremy 2010 is getting reloaded!
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