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In my last post, I described how Lu's hectic schedule encouraged us to have a frank discussion about balancing the stress of work with the importance of our marriage. While I noted that the tables would turn in my direction at some point in the near future, I had no idea how near the future would be!

As much as I enjoy the life of a graduate student, I've realized that academia doesn't give me the structure and variety that I need to be personally-fulfilled. I decided to apply for a summer internship in the field of consulting with a top firm. This firm is known for its rigorous selection process, which includes four rounds: an application screening, a problem solving test and initial evaluation, a regional interview, and an office interview.

However, with me being on "academic time," I didn't realize how quickly this process happens. I submitted my application just over two weeks ago, I found out that I was moved to the next round last week, and I have to prepare for the test... in two days!

On top of that, this test is seemingly impossible to pass -- 26 questions in 60 minutes, many of them involving math and reasoning skills, plus reading charts, graphs, and case backgrounds. To add another piece to the puzzle, if I pass this part, then the next round of interviews involves business cases. I haven't even thought about cases in seven years!!

Okay, deep breath. The great news is that I have a ton of resources to help me out. The firm gives us a practice test and a coaching guide, Lu's best man also used to work at this firm, and I have friends in the business school who are familiar with doing cases and have great jobs lined up for them in consulting.

The not-so-great news is that this has been semi-overwhelming. I don't know where to start first and trying to do a little bit of everything is making my head spin, but in a good way -- if that makes sense. :-)

Well, yesterday morning Lu decided to go to school a bit later. We went to the gym, showered, had a nice breakfast together, and then I received a package in the mail... a surprise from Lu.

Lu has always been big on just because gifts -- flowers, candy, cards, etc. However, this gift blew everything out of the water. Lu literally gave me inspiration.

Each day, I can select one of 99 engraved bamboo sticks with quotes that are encouraging and inspirational.

Daily Inspiration
Today's quote?

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Ouch, but oh-so appropriate. This process might be hectic, but I believe in myself. If this the path God wants me to take, then I am not inferior. I will succeed.
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