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Since our trip to Maryland took us away from our lives in Michigan for nearly a week, we lost a significant chunk of work time in graduate student world. While we've been a bit slow giving you the full recap as we jump back into research, we promise the wedding has not been far from our minds.

In fact, I just spent the last week taking a workshop on social network analysis, and I decided to turn our wedding party into the following sociogram:

I could give you the long-winded, statistical analysis and discuss the density of the network, centrality, betweenness of nodes, indegrees and outdegrees, and even do some triadic analysis on our wedding party. However, that might be a bit much for some of you... and for me after spending 40+ hours learning this stuff!

Instead, I'll just talk about some cool patterns that I see in the network:

1) Jeremy and I are the largest nodes, based on the number of ties that we have to others in the network, and we're right in the middle. Not a big surprise, but it's still cool to see it.

2) Our network falls into two clear sides: my side on the left and his on the right. However, everyone is joined with at least five other people. Even though the bridesmaids and groomsmen might not know each other well, nobody is totally isolated.

3) Our family members already have tons of ties between them, which I think is also really cool and a great sign for our future together. :-)

1 Response
  1. Oneida Says:

    I thought this was cool.